Sunday, May 1, 2011

When one door closes, another opens.

Take risks:  if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise.  ~Author Unknown
           This quote has been on my mind a lot recently.  I have always been a quitter. Everything I start I end up giving up on once it gets tough. While it isn't the easiest thing to admit, especially to's true. When I start to think back, i realize the reason I have quit or given up is always the same. Fear. I'm the kind of person who doesn't deal well with failure.  But by not giving something my all, and simply letting it defeat me, it is probably the biggest failure I can bring upon myself.
           I definitely think I took longer to grow up than most people my age, I made big mistakes and had big setbacks.  But honestly, I don't regret a thing.  I learned from those mistakes, and I grew from them.  I learned that if you want something in life you can't just wait around for it.  YOU have to make it happen. If you don't go after what you want and work hard at it, you don't deserve it. 
          I don't know why I struggle with failure, failure is just a way of learning.  I think my whole life I tried to live for other people. I tried to do what someone else always thought was best for me. I wanted to make everyone proud.  What I didn't realize is that this is my life. I'm not going to be happy if I always try to do what someone else expects of me. It's more what I expect of myself, and what I want in life.   I finally think I know what that is. And i'm ready to be a go-getter and go after it.
          I think at the end of the day, everyone just wants to be successful.  I'm capable, i'm smart, i'm tough, i'm a good person. I deserve to be successful, and be happy in life.  That is exactly what I am going to aim to do, no matter how much it scares me. Fear is just something within yourself, that tries to hold you back.  Being fearless is never letting that fear affect you or the opportunities you're given in this life.  You can't live life always backing down. You have to step up to the plate, and take each day as it comes with the best confidence you can find in yourself. Quitting should never be an option.

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