It's amazing how far you can get in life and not realize how truly blessed you are. So many people take days for granted, or complain about their lives. You're breathing, you have all the opportunities in the world open to you, and no matter who you are there is atleast one person in your life who loves you. So what do you have to complain about? Taking one day for granted is a mistake because you won't ever get that day back. Life is whatever you make it into, so if it isn't up to par you have to get it there or else you won't ever be satisfied.
I'm in love with my life, because I choose to be. I find happiness in the littlest things because I can. And I follow my heart because it always knows what's right for me. So many people go about life saying, "I have to go to work, I have to go to school. You don't HAVE to do those things, you get to. You get reward out of all of that stuff, you have a job? Awesome. You have money to pay for things you want. You go to school? You get to learn new things and become more well rounded. So there is no point in complaining cause no matter what you do, you can only gain from it.
If you take life and it's opportunities for granted, you won't ever get to the beauty of it. I've learned that unless I do what my heart tells me to do, I'm going to live with regret knowing I passed up what I truly wanted. I want to do something good, something people remember me for when i'm gone. This life is just a journey, half the fun is getting to where you always wanted to be. I refuse to wake up at age 85 and look back thinking what if.. I want to look back and be proud, and know I made a difference, and I did just what I always set out to do.